Archive for May, 2012

Giving away my e-book

Today begins my five-day-long promotion: I’m giving away my e-book “Go to college without going broke.” If you’re reading this, you probably followed the link at the end of the book – well, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Can you do me a favor? Click on the link and leave a quick review, preferably one with four or five stars. *g*

Why am I giving it away? I’d be lying if I said my intentions are purely altruistic: the sales could use a little boost, and I’m anticipating a small spike in profits once this promotion ends. Aside from that, though, I really do wish to help all the college students out there. I wish I had a guide like this when I went to college… The information in my book is hardly unique – I’m sure most of it can be found online. However, if I know anything at all about human psychology, it’s that people would rather download (and hopefully read at some point) something that’s being given away for free than do their own research. Heh…

The first time I did this promotion, back in January, I gave away over 15,000 downloads. Here is hoping it’ll generate the same interest this time. If even a hundred people follow my advice and save at least $1,000 each, I’ll be a happy camper. Enjoy!

Win a Starbucks giftcard!

This is one of those few times when I hope nobody ever reads my blog, because otherwise I’d be reducing my chances to win this great prize. Lyn from Mrs.Goff’s Pre-K Tales is giving away a $50 Starbucks giftcard to celebrate her 50th blog post. Click here to enter.